Last Saturday we were six people sailing out of Channel Islands Harbor. From the weather forecast I could see that we’d need to make the most of very little wind. As it turned out, no wind was going to blow at all. Good thing we had Anacapa Island nearby as a destination.

Cruising out to Anacapa Island
Our boat was a really nice 42′ Jeanneau named ‘R’. It has a fantastic 57 horsepower 4 cylinder Yanmar engine that let us hum along at 7 knots. It’s such a smooth engine compared to the two and three cylinders on smaller boats. With the autopilot set for 120 magnetic we made very good time getting out to Anacapa.

Anchored for Lunch at Frenchy’s Cove
We decided to head straight for Frenchy’s cove on Anacapa and anchor for lunch. The water was really calm and we saw some dolphins along the way. The anchorage was super quiet with only two other boats nearby. Anchoring was a bit tricky since there were not markers on the chain. But with conditions so calm it didn’t matter much how well the anchor set, with the weight of the chain we weren’t drifting anywhere.

Even with no wind we had a great time out on the water. We met some new people and enjoyed being one of only three boats out at the island. I’m hoping for some wind on our next Channel Islands daysail and maybe even some sunshine!
Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts on sailing to Anacapa or Frenchy’s Cove.